Cornerstone Baptist Church has been a pillar within our community for well over twenty-three years. Our founder, visionary, and Pastor is Dr. Edward L. Wagner who is leading this congregation of men, women, and children in strong, sound biblical teaching and preaching.
The vision of this church is to be “Community Church,” that is actively involved within the Greater Killeen Metroplex; whereby all of our members are unleashed so that they utilized the gifts of the Holy Spirit within themselves. When this happens, the lost will be able to see pictures of what God looks like.
Dr. Wagner states, "when I consider God's design for the local church, the more amazed I am." The body is designed to minister to us from the cradle to the grave. All along the way, it has a responsibility and the capacity to nourish, challenge, instruct and build us in faith. In First Corinthians 12, Paul states that the body has many members, each having a gift and that God “has set the members every one of them in the body, as it has pleased Him.” Paul further states that the body needs all of its parts – the weaker, less honorable, and unpresentable parts are all necessary. Therefore, I want you to know that God has placed you in this body. He has given you a gift, and it is the vision of this church that you will be free to use that gift to work to the GLORY OF GOD.
Too many churches look to the pastor to manifest all of the spiritual gifts. Let me assure you, my gifts are pastoring and in teaching. However, this church needs all of the spiritual gifts, fully functioning and operating within this community. Therefore, I challenge you to find out what your spiritual gifts are and put them to work here at “Cornerstone.”
We will not be a church behind four walls! God has called the church to be the instrument to show himself to the world; therefore, the church should be in the community showing forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit. How is the world going to know love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance, unless they are shown these godly attributes by Christians in the church?
Again, welcome! Please be a vital part of this church, where we are “Strengthening the Believer in the Knowledge of God.”
No matter what your Christian background is (or isn't), we hope you'll join us on Sunday. Here at Cornerstone Baptist Church, you'll find individuals from a diverse number of backgrounds and we welcome everyone--including you. Our services start at 11:00 am every Sunday.